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Search and Rescue (SAR) Service

Search and Rescue (SAR) Service

This week in the Dáil, I spoke to Minister Simon Coveney in relation to the provision of the Search and Rescue (SAR) Service. We should identify what component of the service the Air Corps can look after and then task and resource it accordingly. Any part of the service that cannot be provided by the Air Corps ...

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Military Air Transport – Leaders’ Questions

Military Air Transport – Leaders’ Questions

In the Dáil this week, I asked the Tánaiste Leo Varadkar if the Government would consider acquiring a strategic airlift aircraft for the Defence Forces. I have previously raised this issue with the Tánaiste. Military air transport is a real weakness for Ireland. Throughout the pandemic alone, we’ve had ...

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Maritime Security

Maritime Security

Dáil debate this week on maritime security. Our sailors protect us, now we must protect them. The time for words is over; the time for action has come.

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The Commission on the Defence Forces

The Commission on the Defence Forces

The Commission on the Defence Forces was before the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee this afternoon. I raised the following points with Chair Aidan O’Driscoll - The need for overtime to be paid to military personnel for rostered duties Paying at least the national minimum wage to serving ...

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Civil Liability and Courts (Amendment) Bill 2021

Civil Liability and Courts (Amendment) Bill 2021

In the Dáil this week speaking in relation to Insurance Fraud. The Insurance crisis here in Ireland is a cross-cutting issue affecting schools, crèches, public amenities and small businesses right across the country. This Bill is not just about prosecution but rather about prevention and aims to help challenge ...

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Issues affecting the Defence Forces

Issues affecting the Defence Forces

I spoke in the Dáil today with Taoiseach, Micheál Martin and raised a number of issues relating to the Defence Forces. 🔹 I thanked the Taoiseach for his personal intervention to ensure that all peacekeeping troops receive the Covid-19 vaccine prior to deploying on a 6-month tour of duty. 🔹 I raised the Defence ...

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Investment needed for Military Housing

Investment needed for Military Housing

I spoke in the Dáil this week about the Land Development Agency Bill 2021. This Bill will accelerate the rollout of housing across the country which will ease the current housing pressure. I focused in particular on two former Military Barracks - Devoy Barracks, Naas and Columb Barracks, Mullingar. Housing ...