Ballyshannon Community Action Group
Very useful engagement with the Ballyshannon Action Group this week. I welcome their statement this morning and am fully supportive of their position. Also great to see the community support for this campaign through their crowdfunding initiative. Happy to assist further in any way.
(Photo taken pre-Covid)
Ballyshannon Action Group will continue to fight quarry at Racefield following An Bord Pleanala’s decision to grant permission
Please donate to support our campaign!
As you may know, An Bord Pleanala recently overturned Kildare County Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for Kilsaran’s proposed quarry at Racefield, Ballyshannon.
The Ballyshannon Action Group is continuing to fight this inappropriate development on behalf of our community, but we need your support to take our case further.
We have a matter of weeks to apply for a Judicial Review of this appalling decision.
This quarry will bring an end to life as we know it in this rural node and surrounding areas
-Creating dust and noise 6 days a week
-Bringing a minimum of 72 additional HGV truck journeys to our local roads every day
-Jeopardising equine businesses and employment in the area
– Making our local network a hazard and no-go area for walkers and cyclists
-Devaluing property
Please donate what you can, as soon as you can via:
Our GoFundMe page:
Deposit to our Credit Union account IBAN: IE67KIRI99217910372756
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