Draft Portarlington Regeneration Strategy 2030
We welcome the official opening of the Draft Portarlington Regeneration Strategy 2030, which has been prepared and informed by public consultation in late 2020 and thank all those who made contributions to this document through my constituency office and elsewhere.
This Draft Strategy has been prepared in detail by Downey Planning & Architecture, in collaboration with MESH Architects, Wilson Architecture, TOBIN Consulting Engineers, and Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd on behalf of Laois County Council in order to evaluate key areas such as:
Vision for Portarlington town centre & public realm
The Draft Strategy is on public display from Wednesday the 28th of April 2021 to Monday the 24th of May 2021 at 17.00pm. You can access the Draft Strategy on Laois County Council’s consultation portal here at www.laois.consult.ie.
A webinar will be held to present and discuss the Draft Strategy, details of which will be published on my social media platforms and also on the Laois County Council website in due course.
Laois County Council are inviting submissions and observations from members of the public and other interested parties. Written observations or submissions should be marked “Draft Portarlington Regeneration Strategy 2030”, and submitted through the following options: