Phase One of Easing Covid-19 Restrictions – Monday, 18th May

The first phase of easing Covid-19 restrictions will proceed on Monday, 18th May.

 Stay at home except for the following five reasons:

1. To go to work if your work-place is open and you can’t work from home.
2. To shop for items you need.
3. To exercise within 5kms.
4. For medical reasons or to care for others.
5. To meet friends or family within 5kms, in groups of no more than four.

 We need to continue to follow the basic public health and hygiene advice:

1. Was hands regularly.
2. Maintain a physical distance of 2m or more where possible.
3. Sneeze or cough into your elbow or tissue.
4. Stay at home and isolate if you are sick.

 An additional hygiene measure is to use face covering when using busy public transport or in an enclosed indoor public area, such as retail outlets.

Here are the full details👇…/ad5dd0-easing-the-covid-19-restricti…/…