Defence Forces
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Potential evacuation plans for Irish citizens in Lebanon

Potential evacuation plans for Irish citizens in Lebanon

This week I asked the Minister for Defence about whether there are contingency plans in place for any potential evacuation of Irish citizens from Lebanon should there be an escalation in hostilities there. In addition, some months ago the Minister signed a €68 million contract for a new military transport ...

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Review needed for Defence Forces regulations – ‘If politicians are looking to blame somebody here they should be looking closer to home’

Review needed for Defence Forces regulations – ‘If politicians are looking to blame somebody here they should be looking closer to home’

The Defence Forces can’t change the law, only politicians can. The Defence Forces have sought changes to their regulations for many years. They’re looking for powers of suspension and powers of dismissal for gross misconduct - but radio silence from successive governments. The military can only obey the orders they ...

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Review needed of Defence Forces regulations – ‘If politicians are looking to blame somebody here they be looking closer to home’

Review needed of Defence Forces regulations – ‘If politicians are looking to blame somebody here they be looking closer to home’

The Defence Forces can’t change the law, only politicians can. The Defence Forces have sought changes to their regulations for many years. They’re looking for powers of suspension and powers of dismissal for gross misconduct - but radio silence from successive governments. The military can only obey the orders they ...

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Ireland’s critical seabed infrastructure

Ireland’s critical seabed infrastructure

Glad to join Gavin Jennings on RTÉ Radio One recently to discuss the protection of Ireland’s critical seabed infrastructure - fibre optic data cables, energy pipelines and the electricity interconnector between Ireland and the UK. Click here to listen to my interview here. 

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ONE Veterans Annual Mass

ONE Veterans Annual Mass

Glad to attend the St Conleth’s Branch ONE Veterans Charity Newbridge annual mass in memory of deceased members of the Irish Defence Forces. Mass was followed by a wreath laying ceremony at the Rememberance Garden. It is important to remember those who gave their lives in the name of peace. Many thanks to ...

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‘We’ve never had to leave a mission due to lack of staff before’ Dr Cathal Berry TD – Irish troops withdrawn from Syria

‘We’ve never had to leave a mission due to lack of staff before’ Dr Cathal Berry TD – Irish troops withdrawn from Syria

Delighted that all the troops are arriving safely home from Syria today. Irish soldiers have served the country proud in Syria over the last 12 years, but today is definitely tinged with sadness. We’ve never had to leave a mission due to lack of staff before. Over the last 12 years, there’s been over a 30% ...

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Severe shortages in the Naval Service

Severe shortages in the Naval Service

Irelands’s Atlantic Coast is now ground zero for smuggling narcotics into Europe, primarily due to the precarious state of our Navy. There is no substitute for fully crewed hulls on the water providing a visible maritime presence to deter & disrupt smugglers. Internationally, Ireland’s much vaunted ‘Wild ...

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Jordan air-drops aid into Gaza with help of French Plane

Jordan air-drops aid into Gaza with help of French Plane

This week in the Dáil I raised the recent humanitarian operation which was carried out by aircraft from France, Jordan, the UAE and Qatar to drop food supplies into the Gaza Strip. It seems that this is precisely the type of humanitarian operation that Ireland should be involved in. Ireland could easily ...