Register to Vote
To be eligible for inclusion in the Register of Electors, you must:
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be ordinarily resident at an address in Ireland
- You will need your PPSN and Eircode
- If you are 16 or 17, you can pre-register and your name will be added to the register when you turn 18
If you are not yet registered and would like to register to vote, click here.
Check the Register
- If your name and address are correct on the register and you are eligible to vote at upcoming polls you will be able to do so
- If you have changed your name and/or address, complete the online application to update your details
- Add your PPSN and DOB to confirm your details and assist your local authority in the broader electoral register data quality project – more information
If you are already registered to vote, click here to check your details are correct.
For full details, visit Check the Register or Citizens Information.
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