Level 5 Restrictions

It has been decided that from midnight on Wednesday 21 October 2020, the country will be placed on Level 5 under the Plan for Living with COVID-19, for six weeks. This action is based on a review of the current public health advice and is in response to the deteriorating situation with the virus in Ireland.
Here are some of the key points –
🔹 Stay at home, exercise within 5km of home.
🔹 No social or family gatherings. Outside of your home, you can meet with one other household.
🔹 ‘Support bubbles’ between two households will be implemented for lone parents and vulnerable people.
🔹 Pandemic Unemployment Payment will be restored to €350 for those on €400 or more who are laid off during the coming lockdown.
🔹 The Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme set to improve.
🔹 Only essential retailers will be allowed to stay open.
🔹 Construction deemed necessary and can continue to operate.
🔹 Gyms, Pools and Leisure centres must close.
🔹 Bars, restaurants and cafés will no longer be allowed to seat people outdoors for meals, and instead will only offer takeaway and delivery services.
🔹 Schools, creches and other childcare services will also remain open.
🔹 Non-contact training can continue for school-aged children, outdoors only in pods of 15.
🔹 Number of guests allowed at weddings will stay at 25. The 25 includes the couple getting married and celebrant.
🔹 Religious services remain online. Funerals may have up to 25 mourners at the church.
Right now we need to take care of ourselves and each other, follow the health guidance and suppress this virus. My team and I are here to help and support you in anyway we can. Please don’t hesitate to get in contact if we can be of assistance.

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