My Policies

I want to work for you. We need to improve our Health Service, end the Housing Crisis, protect the environment and support our Students and Military Families. Having spent the best part of the last three decades working in different parts of the public, private, and voluntary sectors, I know how to find solutions and get things done.


Click on any of the below categories to learn more.


  1.  Properly fund GP/Primary Care services nationwide.
  2.  Increase in bed numbers in step down facilities and increase in home help hours to treat suitable patients in the community.
  3. Properly resource mental health services.
  4.  Reduce patient waiting lists by improving consultant contracts to promote recruitment and retention.
  5.  Full implementation of the Sláintecare report.

Cathal Berry Kildare South Environment

  1. Investment in public transport.
  2. Increased grants for the retro-fitting of buildings in order to reduce the cost of living and improve energy efficiency.
  3. Roll out of electric car recharging network and incentives for use of electric vehicles.
  4. Funding for “Just Transition” for employees and high carbon industries (e.g. Farming/Bord Na Móna).

Cathal Berry Kildare South Education

  1. Investment in creche and pre-school services.
  2. All third-level campuses should be declared rent pressure zones in order to reduce cost of student accommodation.
  3. Third-Level Student fees should be reduced by €250 per annum to €2,750.
  4. Primary and Post-primary school building programme to be fully funded.

Cathal Berry Kildare South Housing

  1. Immediate purchase by the State of the 800 houses that Irish banks have on their books to cut the homeless numbers by 25%.
  2. Build social housing.
  3. The regulatory function and consumer protection function of the Central Bank of Ireland should be separated to prevent conflict of interest.
  4. EU banks should be able to lend directly to Irish borrowers so they can avail of much lower European interest rates and increase competition.
  5. I support “No consent, No sale” legislation regarding the sale of home loans to Vulture Funds.

Dr. Cathal Berry Kildare South General Election Candidate- Defence Forces Families

  1. National Minimum Wage for all rostered security duty hours.
  2. Significant investment in military accommodation.
  3. Independent Commission on the Future of Defence.
  4. Re-energise the Reserve Defence Force & issue a Veterans Charter.